
Donna Hamilton… Venessa Bayer

Frank Robinson… Kenan Thompson

Jim Palmer… Teran Killam

Amber Theoharris… Scarlett Johansson

Manny Machado… Jay Pharoah

[Starts with TV11 News Baltimore video bumper]

[Cut to Donna Hamilton in her news set]

Donna Hamilton: The mayor’s office continues to urge Baltimore residents to hit all official warnings, and obey curfew laws while riots continue. Finally, an unusual day in baseball as the Orioles decided to proceed with their game against the White Sox without any fans in attendance due to rioting concerns. We go now to that game already in progress.

[Cut to Frank Robinson and Jim Palmer as commentators]

Jim Palmer: Good afternoon. I’m Jim Palmer joined by Oriole’s legend Frank Robinson. What a day for a game, Frank?

Frank Robinson: Thank you, Jim.

[Cut to hotdog seller in an empty audience]

Hotdog seller: Hotdog’s here.

[Cut to Frank Robinson and Jim Palmer]

Frank Robinson: Let’s talk about today’s match-up. White Sox are coming in with two wins in a row but Baltimore has just been on fire this week. I’m sorry for how I said that.

Jim Palmer: I agree with you, Frank. Compare the Orioles now to their series against the Blue Jay’s, Baltimore took an absolute beating from the boys in blue. Don’t know why I called them that. Do not know why. No one has ever called them that.

Frank Robinson: Okay, as always, it’s time for our fans at home to guess the attendants. No idea why we would still do this but here we are.

[Cut to the question board]

Is it A. 45,201, B. 44,620, or C. 31 including the players. [Cut to Frank Robinson and Jim Palmer] Tweet us with your guess. It’s obviously C.

Jim Palmer: Let’s go now with a sidelines reporter, Amber Theoharris. [Cut to Amber Theoharris. There are riot police behind her] Amber, do you think the empty seats are affecting the players?

Amber Theoharris: Well, the stadium’s not completely empty. There is a very heavy police presence. Also different about today’s game, the city of Baltimore is allowing only one bat to be used which is being kept under strict lock and key. Let’s see if we can get a look at it.

[A police comes in with a baseball bat]

Here it is provided by the good people.

[Amber Theoharris hits her own hand with the bat. The bat is soft and making squeaky noises while being hit.]

[The police takes away the bat]

Finally, a reminder to fans that following today’s game Red Hot Chilli Pepper’s bassist Flea is playing a concert. So after the game, Flea. Back to you.

[Cut to Frank Robinson and Jim Palmer]

Frank Robinson: Thank you Amber. And it looks like we’re ready to resume the game.

Jim Palmer: Oh, but bad as Manny Machado still on the men from knee surgery, but we saw him from batting practice and that knee grows stronger everyday.

Frank Robinson: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Jim Palmer: Please excuse me forever. I meant of course his knee gets stronger every day. Certainly did not mean to say knee grows.

[Cut to Manny Machado batting]

Manny Machado: Hey, I can hear you, man!

[Cut to Frank Robinson and Jim Palmer]

Frank Robinson: Yikes, well here’s the pitch.

[The squeaky sound of bat]

Pop fly to center. [gun shot sound] And the ball is shot down by a military drone. That’s confusing.

Jim Palmer: Man, so is this. It’s time for the kiss cam.

[Cut to the kiss cam. There is nobody in the audience. The kiss cam shows two police, so they kiss.]

[Cut to Frank Robinson and Jim Palmer]

Frank Robinson: Wow, they really went for it. Good for them. The kiss cam was sponsored today by a Kingsford charcoal. Kingsford, throw a brick, start a fire.

[Frank Robinson looks around being confused]

Is anybody screening this copy or are you just handing it to us site unseen.

Jim Palmer: For god’s sake, let’s go back to Amber.

[Cut to Amber Theoharris. She is in a train station.]

Amber, where are you?

Amber Theoharris: I’m out the Baltimore Amtrak station. I’m going to Newark where I’ll be safer. Back to you.

[Cut to Frank Robinson and Jim Palmer]

Frank Robinson: Hold that train. I’m coming too.

Jim Palmer: As am I. You’ve been watching Oriole’s baseball.

[Frank Robinson and Jim Palmer storm out.]

[The End]

Jingle Writers

Taran Killam

Kyle Mooney

Kate McKinnon

Fayanne… Aidy Bryant

Venerra… Scarlett Johansson

[Starts with Elite Advertising Agency]

Taran: Alright, guys. [Cut to Taran speaking to Kyle and Kate in the office] As you know, Landing Pampers, it’s very important to the company. So, we actually decided to bring in a couple of jingle writers to help us out.

[Cut to Taran] They’ve been out of the game for while, but they come very highly recommended. [talking to the assistant through phone] Sujan, you wanna send them in please?

[Cut to the office. Fayanne and Venerra walk in. They look like hippies.]

Fayanne: Hello, hello everyone.

Venerra: Hello.

Fayanne: Thank you so much.

[Cut to Fayanne and Venerra]

My name is Fayanne.

Venerra: Yes, and I am Venerra. And we are the best jingle writers in town. You ever heard of, [singing jingle] “I want my baby back, baby back, baby back.”

Fayanne: [singing jingle] Chilling!

[Cut to Taran]

Taran: Oh, wow! So, you guys wrote that?

[Cut to Fayanne and Venerra]

Fayanne: Ah, no. We wish.

Venerra: We’ve actually been out of the jingle writing scene for quite a while.

Fayanne: Yes, it got too crazy. You know the jingle scene. It’s Coke for breakfast and ash for dinner.

Venerra: So, we’ve been living off the grid in the desert for the last two years.

Fayanne: Yes, but now we are back for pampers.

[Cut to Taran]

Taran: Well, we are very excited to hear your jingle.

[Cut to everybody]

Fayanne: Well, here it is. Sweet, pure pampers.

[Venerra plays the piano and Fayanne sings. It sounds like a sad song.]

[singing] The desert echo screams like a hell-burn born of sand

he bites into the flesh of the diamond rattle snake

and with the taste of blood he cries

for pampers!

Venerra: Thank you.

Fayanne: Thank you so much.

Venerra: Thank you.

[Cut to Kyle and Kate]

Kyle: Um, I think pampers would want a more traditional jingle.

Kate: Yeah, do you even know anything about diapers?

[Cut to Fayanne and Venerra]

Fayanne: Of course.

Venerra: Yes, yes. In the desert, Fayanne and I had to drink each other’s urine.

Fayanne: Yes. So, in a way, we were each other’s diapers.

Venerra: And that experience allowed us to write this next perfect jingle.

[Cut to Taran]

Taran: Is it too late to say no?

[Cut to everybody. Fayanne and Venerra are playing piano and singing. It’s a happy song now.]

Venerra: [singing] It’s a sunny day, smile

It’s a sunny day, smile

every day is sunny if you have a smile

[Cut to Kyle and Kate]

Kate: Okay, I like this.

[suddenly the music becomes sad]

Venerra: [singing] The dessert pig has fire eyes

as it’s seen a thousand deaths

[Venerra runs to Taran and sings to him]

nothing soothes it’s black end sole

except pampers!

Fayanne: Thank you.

Venerra: Thank you so much.

Fayanne: Thank you so much.

[Cut to Kyle and Kate]

Kate: Um, are you sure you two are the top jingle writers?

[Cut to Fayanne and Venerra]

Venerra: Yes, of course. Haven’t you heard of this one? [singing jingle] “Pa-ra-pa-pa-pa, it’s Papa Johns.”

[Cut to Taran looking speechless]

Taran: That’s the McDonald’s jingle.

[Cut to Fayanne and Venerra]

Fayanne: Urgh! You sound like Papa Johns.

Venerra: Now, if you’ll indulge us, we have one more song.

Fayanne: Yes. Imagine tiny clean fresh babies playing in sunlight. And then, you hear…

[Fayanne starts playing piano and singing the sad song]

[singing] I gave birth on a desert rock

and the baby cried for death

Venerra: We needed food so very bad

we even had to eat a diaper!

[Cut to Kyle and Kate shaking their heads no.]

[Cut to Fayanne and Venerra]

Fayanne: The vultures clawed out our eyes

and we screamed out for mercy

Fayanne and Venerra: And pampers!

[Cut to everybody]

Fayanne: Thank you.

Venerra: Thank you so much.

Fayanne: Thank you so much.

Venerra: We accept personal checks and sacagawea coins only.

[Cut to Taran]

Taran: You need to leave now.

[Cut to everybody]

Fayanne: Well, if you change your mind, just whisper our name to an owl.

[The End]

Girlfriends Talk Show with Scarlett Johansson

Morgan… Aidy Bryant

Cara… Cecily Strong

Camton Krethers… Scarlett Johansson

[Starts with Girlfriends Talk Show intro]

[Cut to Morgan and Cara in the show set]

Cara: Oh, my god. Hi.

Morgan: Welcome to Girlfriends Talk Show.

Cara: It’s your girl Cara coming at ya’.

Morgan: And I am Morgan approaching cautiously from the side.

Cara: Awesome! We’re BFFs.

Morgan: Ya heard?

Cara: Morgan’s super pumped coz it’s prom week.

Morgan: I’m so excited. I’m gonna match my eye shadow to my dress, to my nails, to all the crystal clips in my hair so I’m like one big color.

Cara: Now, all you need is a date. And that’s why I asked a very special guest here today.

Morgan: Is it Todd Baker? My bus crush?

Cara: No, he is weird. His family owns and lives above and art shop.

Morgan: Yeah, but doesn’t that mean he’s cool?

Cara: No. It means his parents are selfish. Today’s guest is going to help us all get in the prom spirit coz she was last year’s prom queen, Camton Krethers.

Morgan: Camton Krethers?

[Camton walks in]

Camton: Thanks for having me.

Cara: What’s up?

Camton: Just keeping it boogie 100.

Morgan: Boogie 100?

Camton: Ya, you know, doing my thing, bling, bling, bling.

Morgan: Cara, why is she here? Last year I asked her to sign my yearbook and she wrote, “No, thanks” in it.

Camton: That was last year, Morgan. I’ve grown up since then. But you have to admit it was funny.

Morgan: What? It didn’t even make sense.

Cara: So, Camton, what are your tips for this year’s prom?

Camton: Well, first up, don’t spend too much on a dress. More than $1,500 is so ratchet.

Morgan: $1,500? I think that’s what my mom makes in a week

Camton: Tip number two, practice your picture pose. Avoid duck faces, so ratchet.

Morgan: Last year, Donna and I had an unflattering picture pose. My date Donna’s waist chain got caught on my princess sleeve.

Camton: Who is Donna?

Cara: That’s Morgan’s mom’s divorced friend, who’s now Morgan’s friend.

Camton: Oh, ya. I remember her. She was the one in the scarves who kept yelling at the DJ to play more Chris Isaak Wicked Game?

Morgan: Yeah, that’s a beautiful song. [singing] I don’t wanna fall in love 

You can hear the years of pain in his voice.

Camton: Your singing just gave me years of pain. You are so ratchet.

Morgan: No, I’m not.

Cara: Ya, ratchet.

Morgan: Well, you think you’re so great. Guess what? I know the secret prom theme this year.

Camton: No, you don’t. No one knows yet.

Morgan: Ya, I know. And I’m sitting tight on it. Coz the principal told Donna and Donna told me coz she knows how good I am at keeping secrets coz I’m very trust worthy.

Cara: The prom theme is, “Imagine all the people.” Morgan told me.

Morgan: Cara! Do you realize what you’ve just done? You may have ruined my trust with at least two or more people. If this gets back to Donna, it’s gonna take some serious over charge to win her trust back.

Cara: Awesome!

Morgan: She has been brunt by life many times.

Cara: Awesome! First topic…

Morgan: Corsages

Camton: Promposals.

Morgan: Wait, what the freak is a promposal?

Camton: Well, if you don’t know, it means you’ve never been asked.

Cara: It’s a really cool elaborate way for a boy to ask you to the prom.

Camton: Um-hmm. Like, say, you’re making a postcard of legos and it says, “Hey, Lego to prom.” Do you get it Morgan? Do you understand?

Morgan: Yes, you basic B!

Cara: Morgan, chill! Alright. Why don’t we each say what our dream promposal would be?

Camton: Well, my BF Evan covered my Mercedes in sticky notes that spelled out, “Camton, go to prom with me.” I didn’t expect to see my Mercedes that way. My dad was like, “What is going on with your Mercedes?”

Cara: What’s your’s, Morgan?

Morgan: My dream promposal would be the wheelchair kid from Glee would wheel down a flaming ramp with a sign that said, “Morgan, will you push me to prom?” And then, I would push him all night long.

Camton: What about you, Cara?

Cara: Well, my boyfriend’s older. He’s worried that he’ll feel out of place since he graduated from the class of 1979. So, I’m going all by myself and he’s gonna watch me from security cameras he hacked in to. I’m supposed to linger by the Punch booth 915, then try to drink the whole thing using only my hands. If I do it, he’s gonna buy me a season pass to Six Wags. My boyfriend’s crazy.

Camton: That’s all the time we have.

Morgan: Hey, that’s my line. I say that.

Cara: Hey, chill out, Morgan. She’s a former prom queen, so she gets to.

Morgan: Jokes on her. She may be prom queen but I’ll be the prom long after her stacking up the chairs. So, suck on that reality pop!

Cara: Awesome!

Morgan: And that is all the time have we have. Damn!

Cara: Alright! See you at the prom. Bye!

[The End]

Dino Bones

Taran Killam

Cecily Strong

Kenan Thompson

Scarlett Johansson

Pete Davidson

Venessa Bayer

[Starts with a museum. Taran is touring few people.]

Taran: Now, in this room, we’ll see the famous Tyrannosaurus Rex. Now, while the T-Rex had over 60 razor sharp teeth, you can tell by the length of his arms, he wasn’t brushing em’ very often. [laughs]

[Cut to the visitors]

Cecily: Okay, that’s random.

[Cut to Taran]

Taran: Um, now before we move on, are there any questions?

[Cut to the visitors]

Kenan: Um, I have a question. How fast can a T-Rex run?

Scarlett: That’s random

[Cut to Taran]

Taran: Well, the recent estimates put the T-Rex at between 15 and 25 MPH.

[Cut to the visitors]

Scarlett: Random.

[Cut to Taran]

Taran: Okay. [laughs] Um, are there any other questions?

[Cut to the visitors]

Cecily: I have a question. What if we put a big giant fake turd underneath the dino so it looks like he just took a huge crap? That will be hilarious because everyone would be like, “Okay!”

[Cut to Taran]

Taran: Um… Yeah! [laughs] I guess he would. [laughs] Not really sure that was a question.

[Cut to the visitors]

Pete: Hey, um, where were these particular bones discovered?

Cecily: Random!

Scarlett: I have a question. What if we put the dino’s skull under his tail so it looks like he craps right on his head?

[Cut to Taran]

Taran: I… don’t know answer to that.

[Cut to the visitors]

Scarlett: I do. Everyone would be like, “Okay!”

Cecily: Nice! That’s exactly my sense of humor.

Venessa: I have a question.

Scarlett: Random.

Venessa: It’s not. Why did they believe that T-Rex went extinct?

Cecily: Asked the most random girl.

Venessa: Shut up!

Cecily: I think I’m gonna like you. I’m gonna sit by you later.

Venessa: Sit by me where?

Cecily: What if we put dino footprints going to the bathroom? People would be like, “Um, is the dino taking a crap? Okay!”

[Cut to Taran]

Taran: Um, I’ll just say it now. We’re not gonna rearrange the dinosaurs in any way today.

[Cut to the visitors]

Kenan: Well, I heard that the dinosaurs may actually have been multi-colored and covered in feathers.

Scarlett: Okay, weirdo! Party of what?

[Cut to Taran]

Taran: Um, no! That is actually a great question.

[Cut to the visitors]

Cecily: Here’s your menu. The specials are, you’re-insane-burger.

Scarlett: With a side of random fries.

Kenan: Okay, these guys are killing me. I am honestly like, 4-5 seconds from wilding.

Scarlett: You know how you said the dinos were all named Megasaurus or whatever.

[Cut to Taran]

Taran: I never said that.

[Cut to the visitors]

Scarlett: What if we named one of the dinos, ‘Alex’ and everyone was like, “Um, okay. So, I guess that just happened!”

Cecily: Oh, ding it! I should have said my name was Sam Crab. Then everybody would be like, “Okay!”

[Cut to Taran]

Taran: You never gave any name.

[Cut to the visitors]

Cecily: Oh, then my name is Sam Crab.

Scarlett: Okay.

Kenan: Now, I’m like 2-3 seconds from wilding.

Cecily: What if each of these dino bones were just like a random dino. Everybody are gonna be like, “Okay, that’s normal. Moving on. That’s random. Um, that happened. Oh, so that just happened!”

Venessa: No, they wouldn’t. No one would be like that.

Cecily: Oh, you’ve got a little bitch in you.

Scarlett: I adore that.

[Cut to Taran]

Taran: Look, I’m sorry but you and your friend are ruining this for everyone.

[Cut to the visitors]

Cecily: Friend?

Scarlett: I came here alone.

Cecily: As did I.

[Cut to Taran]

Taran: You don’t know her?

[Cut to the visitors]

Scarlett: We’re just two separate people who came here randomly.

Kenan: That’s it! Two, one, I’m wilding! Ah!

[Kenan starts wilding]

Taran: Ah! Everyone out! He’s wilding!

[The End]

Black Widow Trailer

Black Widow… Scarlett Johansson

Kate McKinnon

Thor… Taran Killam

Nick Fury… Jay Pharoah

Reporter… Cecily Strong

Captain America… Beck Bennett

Hulk… Bobby Moynihan

[Starts with Marvel Universe intro]

Male voice: You love the Marvel Universe. Avengers: Age of Ultron, Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, but you wanna know why no Black Widow movie? Does marvel not know how to make a girl superhero movie? Chill! Marvel gets women. Coming in 2016. When it came to life in a big city, [Cut to Black Widow walking in the street] Black Widow had it all figured out. [Black Widow’s heel breaks]

A huge apartment, great friends and an internship at Fashion Weekly.

Kate: Where’s the new girl?

[Cut to Black Widow coming in the office doing somersault.]

Black Widow: Sorry.

Kate: Leather, with a low neckline? Take that off… and put it on the cover of our magazine.

[Black Widow is so happy]

Male voice: The only thing missing in Black Widow’s life was love.

[Black Widow meets Ultron in the park. Ultron is wearing a suit.]

Ultron: Hey, I’m Ultron.

Black Widow: Black Widow.

Ultron: You wanna grab a coffee?

Black Widow: I don’t really have time for dating guys now.

Ultron: What about robots?

[Cut to Thor and Black Widow]

Thor: So, who’s the guy?

Black Widow: Why do you think it’s always a guy, Thor?

Thor: Honey, you’re putting ketchup on your cereal.

Male voice: From Marvel Studios, and the writers of dresses, [Cut to Black Widow and Ultron enjoying in the park] comes the story of a super hero and her super romance.

[Cut to Black Widow and Ultron in a room. Ultron opens his pants and all sorts of robot sounds and lights are coming. Black Widow is looking carefully.]

Robot voice: Penis activated.

[Cut to Nick Fury, Black Widow and Captain America]

Nick Fury: I don’t know, Black Widow, I think you’re moving way too fast with this guy.

Captain America: Does he even know anything about you? Like your favorite food is ice cream?

[Thor walks in wearing a towel.]

Thor: Hey, BW. Your boyfriend is on the news.

[Cut to the TV]

Reporter: The robot named Ultron threw a bus at the Fashion Weekly building. I’d hate to be that guy’s girlfriend.

[Cut to Black Widow sobbing and crying alone]

[News showing “I’m sorry” written on a building by fire]

[Ultron visits Black Widow]

Black Widow: What are you doing here? You knew how much that job meant to me.

Ultron: I…

Black Widow: Do you even know what my favorite food is?

Ultron: Pizza?

Black Widow: Huh! Thank you!

[Black Widow kicks Ultron]

Male voice: For Black Widow, falling in love can be hard. But it can also be ‘Incredible’.

[Hulk walks to Black Widow]

Hulk: Where will you go?

Black Widow: Paris, France.

Hulk: But if you go Paris, then who help Hulk… [Hulk shows two ice creams] eat ice cream?

Male voice: Black Widow: Age of Me. Marvel, we know girls.

Singing Elves

Elf Fizzy… Alex Moffat

Elf Tizzy…Chloe Fineman

Heidi Gardner

Beck Bennett

Dondra Dupres… Scarlett Johansson

Wondrous Williams… Kenan Thompson

Latony Garag… Bowen Yang

[Starts with a Santa Land store in a mall]

Elf Fizzy: Hello, everyone. I’m Elf Fizzy.

Elf Tizzy: And I’m Elf Tizzy. Welcome to Santa Land at the North Ridge Mall.

[Cut to few adults and children clapping]

[Cut to Elf Fizzy and Elf Tizzy]

Elf Fizzy: Yeah! And before we line you up for Santa, there are some elves that want to sing for you.

[Cut to the Heidi and Beck]

Heidi: Well that sounds nice. I wonder what they’ll sing.

Beck: Probably some pretty basic Christmas junk.

Heidi: Hon, be fun.

Beck: Okay.

[Cut to Elf Fizzy and Elf Tizzy]

Elf Fizzy: And just so you know, the singing elves are not the ones on the poster, the website or from our very deep bench of understudies.

Elf Tizzy: These two work at the mall and they picked the costumes.

Elf Fizzy: Uh-huh! Here they are. Those people!

[Dondra and Wondrous walk in in elf costumes.]

Dondra: Hi, I’m Dondra Dupres.

Wondrous: And I am Wondrous William.

Dondra: Wondrous and I work at the hair extension kiosk in the mall.

Wondrous: More than that, we are entertain-ters!

Dondra: The first song song is about the special problemities that Santa may have around a Chimnies.

[music playing]

Wondrous: [singing]

Wig white black boot

wide belt red suit

Dondra: [singing]

Beard gorwn lips pursed

enters the room booty first

Dondra and Wondrous: Squishing that ass down the chimney shoot

Wondrous: Girl, what did that girl just say girl?

[Cut to the audience. Everybody is confused but Beck is moving his body to the music.]

Dondra: Everybody get some lube

[Cut to Dondra and Wondrous]

help this booty slip and bloop!

Wondrous: Bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop

Dondra and Wondrous: Black down that chimney, y’all!

[Cut to Heidi and Beck. Beck is clapping.]

Heidi: what was that? I wanted “Let it snow.” That felt druggy.

Beck: It felt very Todrick-cal to me. call moment to me.

Heidi: Who’s that?

Beck: He’s great. He’s a dynamic gender bending performer. His songs make you want to shake your boozy.

Heidi: Boozy? Where’s this coming from, babe?

[Cut to Dondra and Wondrous]

Dondra: What’s wrong with Mrs. Claus, Wondrous?

Wondrous: I don’t know, Dondra. She seems frustrated, sex-u-ally.

Dondra: Maybe she has womanly needs that aren’t being met.

Wondrous: Well, who on earth would do that to her?

Dondra: Exactly.

[music playing]

Wondrous: [singing]

While Santa’s climbing in his sleigh

Mrs. C comes out to play

Dondra: [singing]

Mrs. Claus don’t give no f

she gives her cookies to the elves

Wondrous: Girl, what did that girl just say girl?

Dondra: Mrs. Claus has needs

Wondrous: Needs

Dondra: Needs that starts with a D

Wondrous: D

Dondra: If you give an f

Wondrous: F

Dondra: Please loan one out to me

Wondrous: Me

Dondra and Wondrous: All of our f’s are what? Got ya’ blap!

[cut to Heidi and Beck. Beck is clapping.]

Heidi: Oh, my god! Am I being sensitive or was that song about Mrs. Claus needing to get railed by elves?

Beck: Of course. The relationship is open. It’s fluid. It’s very Todrick.

Heidi: Hey, who are you today? And who introduced you to this Todrick?

Beck: Mistyandre.

Heidi: Who is that? We know all the same people.

Beck: Maybe you do.

[Cut to Dondra and Wondrous]

Wondrous: And now, we would like to introduce to you to the writer of our songs.

Dondra: Latony Garag. Latony, get out here.

[Latony Garag walks in.]

Latony Garag: Merry Christmas to the children.

Wondrous: Latony, is there anything you would like to say before this next song?

[Cut to Latony Garag]

Latony Garag: Yes. This song was written as an homage to my mother. The mother of the house, miss Buffay Styles. It was written at Dondra am when I was skiing with miss Connie. See what I’m saying? The snow that goes up. Understand? The Northeast snow. I’m talking about crook rain!

[Cut to the disappointed audience]

[Cut to Dondra and Wondrous]

Dondra: Thanks Latony for the clarification. Let’s do this.

[music playing]

Wondrous: [singing]

Santa’s tired he’s a grump

Dondra: [singing]

Sork all night he needs a bump

Wondrous: Do that bump off your rump

Dondra and Wondrous: The rump pump um pum

the rump pump um pum

the rump pump um pum,

Wondrous: Girl, what did that girl just say girl?

Dondra: I thought no one told you what it’s like.

Dondra and Wondrous: Wou, wou, wou, wou, wou,

[Cut to the audience. Everybody is dancing now.]

Heidi: I don’t love that that song was about doing cocaine. But I like that this is the first time I’ve ever seen you happy.

Beck: I’m glad you noticed. Merry Christmas, baby.

Heidi: Girl, what did that girl just say girl?

Beck: Yeah, I don’t like that for you.


Scarlett Johansson Holiday Monologue

Scarlett Johansson

Tweezel… Aidy Bryant

Nick Fury… Kenan Thompson

Cecily Strong

Heidi Gardner

Kyle Mooney

Pete Davidson

Beck Bennett

Bowen Yang

Colin Jost

Michael Che

Chris Redd

Ego Nwodim

Alex Moffat

Mikey Day

[Starts with SNL monologue intro]

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, Scarlett Johansson.

[band is playing music]

[Scarlett Johansson walks in and to the stage]

[cheers and applause]

Scarlett Johannson: Thank you. Thank you very much. It is so great to be back hosting SNL for the sixth time. You know, the sixth time is even more exciting than the fifth because you’re not worried anymore. I mean, if the show is bad, what are they going to do? Fire my fiance? Oh, no, what will we do without his pay check? I’m also so happy to be here because it’s Christmas time. And I don’t know about you but I still believe in the magic of Christmas.

Tweezel: Well, that’s good to hear, Scarlett.

Scarlett Johannson: Oh, my god, it’s Tweezel! My old elf on the shelf.

Speaker 2: That’s right. It’s me and I hear you’ve been a very good girl this year.

Scarlett Johannson: Well, I certainly tried my best. That’s for sure.

Speaker 2: I’m sure Santa would want to—

[Tweezel slowly turns to dust]

Well—what is this?

Scarlett Johannson: Aidy! Your arm!

Speaker 2: Hey, hey—what the hell is happening?

Scarlett Johannson: Oh, no, Thanos. From “The Avengers” movie I was in. Not the last one. The one before that.

[Cut to Alex Moffat, Ego Nwodim and Chris Redd backstage]

Alex Moffat: No, no! [Alex turns to dust]

Chris Redd: Oh, my god. Mikey.

Ego Nwodim: I thought that was Alex.

ChrisReddRedd: It’s the same damn thing.

[Cut to 1]

Scarlett Johannson: My god! Am I gonna have to save everyone? I left my Black Widow costume in my car.

[Beck Bennet walks in]

Beck Bennett: Scarlett, what is this happening?

Scarlett Johannson: I think Thanos may have somehow returned and found the infinity stone.

Beck Bennet: No, I meant this monologue. This doesn’t seem super top call right? This is like the back-up monologue from the last time you hosted or something?

Scarlett Johannson: Okay, hey, Beck, I love you and it’s Christmas, but you just got to get out of here.

[Beck Bennett slowly turns to dust]

Beck Bennett: No. You need me. Who is going to play the dumb idiot?

[Cut to Cecily Strong and Heidi Gardner back stage]

Heidi Gardner: Cecily, thank god you’re okay. I think Thanos took Pete.

Cecily Strong: No, it’s just one of those weeks when Pete doesn’t show up.

Heidi Gardner: Oh, my god! Look at Bowen.

[Cut to Bowen Yang turning to dust]

Bowen Yang: Wow, first Asian cast member. Now you’re dusting me? Twitter’s gonna eat you alive.

[Cut to Scarlett Johansson]

Scarlett Johannson: Bowen too? I have to stop this.

[Michael Che walks in]

Michael Che: Scarlett.

Scarlett Johannson: Ah! Michael! Oh, thank god you’re safe. But if you’re here, that must mean that Colin is—

[Colin Jost walks in]

Colin Jost: Hey. Don’t worry. I’m safe.

Scarlett Johannson: Hi, hey. What’s up?

Colin Jost: Well, I thought you’d be more, like, relieved to see me.

Scarlett Johannson: No, I am. No, it’s great.

Colin Jost: It just doesn’t feel great.

Michael Che: Well, I’m just going to head out.

[Michael Che leaves]

Scarlett Johannson: I’m sorry. It’s just, like, I’m focused on Thanos right now.

Colin Jost: Yes! Totally. I got to update stuffs anyway. It’s like saving the world too. Just on a smaller level.

[Nick Fury walks in]

Nick Fury: Natasha! If you gonna stop Thanos, you gonna need my help.

Scarlett Johannson: Sam Jackson, I mean, wait, what’s your name in the movie again?

Colin Jost: Nick Fury from S.H.I.E.L.D. Did you now watch the movies? [Scarlett Johansson is staring at Colin Jost] I’m just going to get out of here.

Scarlett Johannson: Why is Thanos doing this?

Nick Fury: It’s not Thanos this time. Somebody else has got Thanos’s glove.

[Cut to Pete Davidson playing with Thanos’s gauntlet on.

Pete Davidson: Yo, man! This is insane. I have to stop getting high and buying things on ebay. Half the people disappears. Sick, right?

[Cut to Kyle Mooney and Pete Davidson]

Kyle Mooney: So sick! And hey, thanks for getting rid of Beck for me.

Pete Davidson: Oh, no problem dude.

[Scarlett Johansson and Nick Fury walk in]

Scarlett Johannson: Pete, you have to stop this at once. Where did they all disappear to?

Pete Davidson: Peacock. It’s NBC’s new streaming service.[Cut to Peacock video bumper.] Peacock. Comedy starts here.

[Cut to Nick Fury, Scarlett Johansson and Pete Davidson]

Scarlett Johannson: Can you please bring him back? Please Pete? Just for Christmas?

Nick Fury: Please, please.

Pete Davidson: Okay, fine. I’ll bring them back.

Scarlett Johannson: No, Pete, you gotta snap it.

Pete Davidson: Oh. Okay. I didn’t see the movie.

Scarlett Johannson: Okay. Merry Christmas, Pete!

Pete Davidson: Oh, thank you. You too.

Nick Fury: So, Pete, taking a few shows off, are you?

Pete Davidson: Yeah. You know, when you’ve been here as long as I have, you can do that.

Nick Fury: Really? Well, that’s good to know.

[Cut to Scarlett Johansson and all the SNL cast members on the stage]
Scarlett Johannson: Well, it’s great to have you all back. I just want to say, this place means so much to me. I have so many friends here, and I met the love of my life here. Merry Christmas. We get a great show. Niall Horan is here. So, stick around. We’ll be right back.

Office Apology

Glen… Beck Bennett

Jenny… Aidy Bryant

Janet… Melissa Villaseñor

Linda Pillard… Scarlett Johansson

Mikey Day

Charlie… Kenan Thompson

Amanda… Cecily Strong

David… Bowen Yang

[Starts with a man announcing in his office]

Glen: Okay, if I can just get everybody’s attention. I know things got a little wild at last night’s holiday party. But I just want to be clear, this is still an office. And we have zero tolerance for any workplace harassment.

[Cut to the employees applausing]

[Cut to Glen]

Glen: All right, that being said, unfortunately, we have to fire our vice president of sales, Linda Pillard.

[Cut to the employees]

Jenny: Thank god.

[Cut to Glen]

Glen: And also our front desk guy, Charlie.

[Cut to the employees]

Everybody: Awe.

Janet: Not Charlie.

[Cut to Glen]

Glen: And if it’s okay, they’d both like to come up here and formally apologize. Come on out here, guys.

[Linda Pillard and Charlie comes out]

Linda Pillard: Hey, guys. I guess I had little too much to drink last night at the party and acted like and idiot.

[Cut to the employees]

Mikey: Oh, you think?

[Cut to Linda Pillard and Charlie]

Linda Pillard: To Janet specially. I think I may have mentioned some of your past inter office relationships in front of everybody. And that wasn’t cool. And I’m sorry.

[Cut to Janet]

Janet: It was more than uncool. It was humiliating, Linda.

[Cut to Linda Pillard and Charlie]

Charlie: And just to piggyback on that, Janet, last night after a little wine, I think I said something to you like, “Mm, mm, mm, girl, when you going to break old Charlie off a piece of that too?” And then I shook my head, did a little dance, and said, “Don’t you hurt nobody with that thing.”

[Cut to the employees]

Janet: Oh, Charlie, you’re so silly.

Amanda: Charlie, you crack me up.

[Cut to Linda Pillard and Charlie]

Linda Pillard: Right. And Amanda, I guess I upset you when I made a comment about your dress being a little short for a work event. And I’m sorry.

[Cut to the employees]

Amanda: Oh, you guess? Well, I guess you’re still a rude ass bitch. And that’s why you’re getting fired.

[all employees clap]

[Cut to Glen]

Glen: Hey, hey. All right. Let’s keep it clean.

[Cut to Linda Pillard and Charlie]

Charlie: Amanda! I saw that dress too. And after a few of them vodkas. I think I might have said something to you like, “Mm, mm, mm, girl, that dress so short, all I see is donkey monkey.” Then I did a little dance. “Don’t you hurt nobody with that thing.” Out of line. I stand accused.

[Cut to the employees]

Amanda: Okay, Charlie, don’t start nothing you finish.

David: Come on, Glen. You can’t fire Charlie. He’s Charlie.

[Cut to Glen]

Glen: I’m not happy about this either, David. But this is above my pay grade.

[Cut to Linda Pillard and Charlie]

Linda Pillard: Whatever. Anyway, David, I vaguely remember this, but apparently I was being really obnoxious when I kept asking where you were really from.

[Cut to the employees]

David: Yep, and I kept telling you. Boston, you racist.

[the employees clap]

[Cut to Linda Pillard and Charlie]

Charlie: To my man, Kung Fu.

David: Hey, Charlie. Lookie here, man, you know I had a couple of them bourbons last night and I maybe said something to you like, “Mm, man, if I was a gay man, your booty would be in trouble.” But I’m not so your booty all right. And then I did a little dance. I took a bow. And said “Don’t you hurt nobody with that thing.”

[Cut to the employees]

David:  Charlie, I really needed that. Thank you.

[Cut to Linda Pillard and Charlie]

Charlie: Nothing but love, Kung Fu.

Linda Pillard: Wait a minute. How is that not awful?

[Cut to the employees]

Jenny: Glen, you can’t fire Charlie. It’s almost Christmas.

[Cut to Glen]

Glen: Trust me, did I everthing in my power to just fire Linda today.

[Cut to Linda Pillard and Charlie]

Linda Pillard: What?

Charlie: Oh, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny. don’t you worry about me, baby. Maybe I can become the Grinch and bring it to your house. But instead of stealing all your presents, I’ll be stealing that ass. And it won’t just be my heart growing three sizes. Um, um. Girl, don’t you hurt nobody with that thing.

[Cut to the employees]

Jenny: I really appreciate that, Charlie.

[Cut to Linda Pillard and Charlie]

Linda Pillard: What the hell? It feels like you guys are going way easier on him than on me.

[Cut to the employees]

Mikey: Oh, my god! Get over yourself. It’s Charlie.

Amanda: Yeah. He’s just a sweet old man that had a little too much to drink.

Janet: We all did. It was a partly.

[Cut to Linda Pillard and Charlie]

Linda Pillard: But he’s still drinking right now.

Charlie: What this? Oh, this just a swallow to get me straight.

Linda Pillard: This is completely unfair.

Charlie: Girl, you are too fine to be so stank. Why don’t you slip on old Charlie like a pair of jeans?

Linda Pillard: What? You’re disgusting.

[Cut to the employees]

Jenny: Oh, just take compliment.

David: Yeah, he’s just being sweet.

[Cut to Charlie]

Charlie: You know what? Maybe she’s right. Maybe I did go too far. Is that why I’m getting fired?

[Cut to Glen]

Glen: Actually, that has nothing to do with why you’re getting fired. HR says your urine sample came back as Lipton iced tea.

[Cut to Charlie]

Charlie: Oh, you notice that.

[Cut to Glen]

Glen: Yeah. And you printed out pornographic pictures on the office copier and left them there.

[Cut to Charlie]

Charlie: Oh, all right. So it did work.

[Cut to Glen]

Glen: Also a woman who identified herself as her wife spray painted cheater on the company van thinking it was yours.

[Cut to Charlie]

Charlie: Well, I guess what happens in DeKado comes back nine months later.


Niall Horan Put a Little Love on Me

[Starts with Scarlett Johansson announcing Niall Horan’s live performance]

Scarlett Johansson: Once again, Niall Horan.]

[cheers and applause]

[Cut to a man playing piano and Niall Horan singing.]

Niall Horan: [singing]

We fight we get high holding on to love
We came down cos there was nothing holding us
Is it wrong that I still wonder where you are
Is it wrong that I still don’t know my heart

Are you all dressed up but with nowhere to go
Are your tears falling down when the lights are low
Another Friday night tryna put on a show
Do you hate the weekend
Cos nobody’s calling
I’ve still got so much love hidden beneath this skin
So darling

Put a little love on me
Put a little love on me
When the lights come up and there’s no shadows dancing
I look around as my heart is collapsing
Cos you’re the only one I need
To put a little love on me

We wrote and we wrote
Til there were no more words
We laughed and we cried
Until we saw our worst
Is it wrong that I still wonder where you are
Is it wrong that I still don’t know my heart

Are you all dressed up but with nowhere to go
Are your tears falling down when the lights are low
Another Friday night tryna put on a show
Do you hate the weekend
Cos nobody’s calling
I’ve still got so much love hidden beneath this skin
Will someone

Put a little love on me
Put a little love on me
When the lights come up and there’s no shadows dancing
I look around as my heart is collapsing
Cos you’re the only one I need
To put a little love on me

Last night I lay awake
Stuck on the things we say
And when I close my eyes the first thing I hear you say is

Put a little love on me
Put a little love on me
When the lights come up we’re the only ones dancing
I look around and you’re standing there asking
You say, you’re the only one I need
So put your love on me

You’re the only one I need
Put your love on me

[music stops]

[cheers and applause]

Niall Horan Nice to Meet Ya (Live)

[Starts with Scarlett Johansson announcing Niall Horan’s performance]

Scarlett Johansson: Ladies and gentlemen, Niall Horan.

[Cut to Niall Horan with his band on stage]

[music playing]

Niall Horan: [humming]

I like the way you talk, I like the things you wear
I want your number tattooed on my arm in ink, I swear
‘Cause when the morning comes, I know you won’t be there
Every time I turn around, you disappear

Nice to meet you

I wanna blow your mind, just come with me, I swear
I’m gonna take you somewhere warm, you know j’adore la mer
‘Cause when the morning comes, I know you won’t be there
Every time I turn around, you disappear

(I got love for you)
(I got love for you)

Nice to meet ya, what’s your name?
Let me treat ya to a drink

I like the way you talk, I like the things you wear
I want your number tattooed on my arm in ink, I swear
‘Cause when the morning comes, I know you won’t be there
Every time I turn around, you disappear

(I got love for you)
(I got love for you)

One minute, you’re there, the next one, you’re gone
Been waiting for you all night, so come on
You know what I need, you know what I want
You know what I need now, you know what I need now


Nice to meet ya, what’s your name?
Let me treat ya to a drink

Nice to meet ya
(I got love for you)
Where ya been?
(I got love for you)
Let me treat ya
(I got love for you)
To a drink
(I got love for you)


[music stops]