Mr. H | Season 44 Episode 8

Marcus… Chris Redd

Mr. H… James McAvoy

Craig… Pete Davidson

Tunee… Ego Nwodim

Mikey Day

[Starts with intro with written message, ‘What does a teacher make? A difference. –Taylor Mali’]

[Cut to guys in street corner]

Marcus: Who this?

[Cut to Mr. H stopping by the car]

Tunee: Look at this dude.

[Cut to Marcus]

Marcus: Is that Mr. H? [Cut to Mr. H coming out of the car] That’s my teacher from school. [Cut to Marcus] What he doing out here?

[Cut to Mr. H and Marcus walk up to each other]

Mr. H: Hey, I thought I might find you here. Haven’t seen you in school much lately.

[Cut to Marcus]

Marcus: Yeah. Let me guess. You came all the way down here to bring me back. Right? What’s the point, Mr. H? You think I’m going to be some big college success story?

[Cut to Mr. H]

Mr. H: Is that so crazy?

[Cut to Marcus]

Marcus: You’re watching too many movies. Dude. Brave teacher comes down to the hood to save his gifted student from the streets, right? What. Next I’m going to hear, Marcus. You’ve got potential.

[Cut to Mr. H]

Mr. H: You do.

[Cut to Marcus]

Marcus: Right, and next, Marcus you’re smart?

[Cut to Mr. H]

Mr. H: You are smart.

[Cut to Marcus]

Marcus: Then it’s like, Marcus, you’re a genius. [Cut to Mr. H with expression of disagreement] [Cut to Marcus expecting Mr. H to repeat what he says] Marcus, you’re a genius.

[Cut to Mr. H]

Mr. H: Ahh.

[Cut to Marcus expecting Mr. H to repeat what he says]

Marcus: Why can’t you see you’re a genius, Marcus?

[Cut to Mr. H]

Mr. H: Genius is thrown around a little too much these days. But I will say you are very bright and [Mr. H takes an envelope out] I brought you this. It’s your S.A.T. results.

[Cut to Marcus]

Marcus: Man, I threw that in the trash.

[Cut to Mr. H]

Mr. H: And I took them out. [Cut to Mr. H and Marcus] I think you owe it to yourself to see how you did.

[Cut to Marcus]

Marcus: Man, you open it. You’re the only one that cares.

[Cut to Mr. H]

Mr. H: All right, well, you got an 880.

[Cut to Marcus]

Marcus: Out of 900? Here you go. Oh, Marcus, what you doing in these streets when you got a basically perfect S.A.T score?

Craig: No, you didn’t.

Marcus: What do you know about it, Craig?

[Cut to Craig]

Craig: I know it’s scored out of 1600, and an 880 is, like, pretty bad.

[Cut to Marcus]

Marcus: Shut up, Craig. When you gonna face it, Mr. H? I’m not your hood to Harvard success story, all right?

[Cut to Mr. H]

Mr. H: No, Harvard is definitely out of the question. But I think with a little studying, you can get it up to 1100.

[Cut to Tunee]

Tunee: That’s still not that good.

[Cut to Marcus]

Marcus: Yes, it is, Tunee. It’s better than anybody else got out here.

[Cut to Mikey]

Mikey Day: I actually got like a 1260.

[Cut to Marcus]

Marcus: Well, you are buying weed right now. So you can leave.

[Cut to Mikey]

Mikey Day: I’m just waiting for my change. I gave you $100 10 minutes ago. And you still haven’t given me change.

[Cut to Marcus]

Marcus: All right, I got it, man. [Marcus starts calculating on his phone] $60 of weed—

Mikey Day: Are you using a calculator for that?

Marcus: Take away a hundred—

[Cut to Mikey]

Mikey Day: It’s 40.

[Cut to Marcus]

Marcus: Go smoke your weed, man.

[Cut to Mr. H]

Mr. H: Come on, Marcus.

[Cut to Mr. H and Marcus]

Marcus: No, enough of this bull snaps, bro. I made up my mind. Mr. H. I don’t know why you brought your tie and your shirt down here, man. What more do you want for me?

[Cut to Mr. H]

Mr. H: I was actually hoping to score some shrooms.

[Cut to Marcus]

Marcus: What?

[Cut to Mr. H]

Mr. H: I got a bachelor party. I promised my buddies I’d pick up some shrooms. If poss, maybe get them before next Friday?

[Cut to Craig]

Craig: Yeah, I think we could do business.

[Cut to Marcus]

Marcus: Nah. This is a test, right? You’re trying to make me learn?

[Cut to Mr. H]

Mr. H:  No, it’s definitely not that. I want to try and buy some shrooms. Either from you or somebody you know.

[Cut to Craig]

Craig: Yeah, man. Come through tomorrow.

[Cut to Mr. H]

Mr. H: All right. Marcus, hope to see you in class sometime soon. [Mr. H leaves]

[Cut to Marcus]

Marcus: Yo, Mr. H. Yeah? What did the guidance counselor say?

[Cut to Mr. H]

Mr. H: About what?

[Cut to Marcus]

Marcus: After you showed him my essay. He said something to you. What did he say.

[Cut to Mr. H]

Mr. H: He said that it was a little all over the place.

[Cut to Marcus. Marcus smiles.]

Marcus: Just like me.