Waffle House

Zach… Marcello Hernandez

Casey… Jenna Ortega

Casey: Zach.

Zach: [to his boys] Hey, I’ll catch up you guys later, okay?

Hey, Casey. What are you doing here?

Casey: I know you and the guys usually hang out at Waffle House after the game. So I just figured you’d be here. I have something I need to tell you.

Zach: What’s up?

Casey: I’m not going to stay next year.

[the people inside the Waffle House are fighting]

Zach: What? We had a plan. We were both gonna go to state, and then move back to town after and get married. That’s what we wanted.

Casey: No, that’s what you wanted, Zach. Right? I want more. More than this state. More than this town.

Zach: More than me?

Casey: Yeah.

Zach: I don’t understand. What did I do wrong?

Casey: Nothing. I applied to this music program in New York City. I got in.

Ego: [inside the Waffle house] Oh my god, whose dog is this?

Casey: Aren’t you gonna say anything?

Ego: [inside the Waffle house] Get your dog out of here.

Zach: I mean, what do you want to say Casey? Congrats? I’m losing the love of my life.

Casey: I’m just the love of your life so far.

Ego: [inside the Waffle house] Oh, the dog can’t be on the counter?

Casey: Okay? You’ll find other girls.

Zach: They won’t be you. I just- I can’t believe it’s over. We’ve been together since eighth grade.

Casey: I know. That’s the problem. I don’t know who I am without you. I owe it to myself to find that out. See, this wasn’t an easy decision.

Zach: You’re making a mistake, Casey.

[a police walks in the waffle house]

Casey: Maybe I am making a mistake, you know? But isn’t that what grown up is? About taking the big chances? Making the big mistakes. That’s just how we become who we’re meant to be.

[the police tasers Mikey in the waffle house]

Zach: If you say so.

Mikey in waffle house: You know where I’m putting this? Right down in my pants, baby.

Casey: It hurts with you, Zach. I know that this is the right decision. [gunshot in the background] Who knows? Maybe a few years from now, we’ll find each other again. If it’s meant to be, it’ll be. You’ll always be my first love. Nothing can change that.

Zach: I guess.

Casey: Come here.

[Casey and Zach hug each other]

Thank you.

Zach: For what?

Casey: Everything.

Zach: I guess thank you too. Do you need a ride home?

Casey: No. My dad drove me.

[Mikey gets thrown out of the window of waffle house]

Mikey: [to Casey] You ready to go, baby girl?

Casey: Yes, dad.

Mikey: Freebird gotta fly, son.