Vanessa Bayer
Dave Chappelle
[Starts with a person talking on TV]
Man: It’s hard to be a parent tonight for a lot of us. You tell your kids, don’t be a bully, don’t be a bigot. They’re afraid of “How do I explain this to my children?”
[Cut to ‘Kids Talk Politics’ intro]
[Cut to Vanessa talking with the kids]
Vanessa: So, we just had a big election for president. Did you parents vote?
Kids: Yes!
Vanessa: Great. So, the candidates were Hillary Clinton against Donald Trump. Have you guys heard of Donald Trump?
Kids: Yes.
Vanessa: What have you heard about him?
Boy: He’s funny but he’s kind of a bully.
Girl: He like always talks about how great he is
Boy: He’s got like weird fake hair.
Vanessa: He does, right? How about you? What do you think about Donald Trump?
Black Girl: He unleashed racism and xenophobia. We now must return to the dark ages of white presidents. Also, my dad said that Donald Trump will stop and frisk my cat.
Vanessa: What?
Black Girl: We have a black cat. His name is pussy.
[Dave walks in]
Dave Chappelle: Hey, sweetie.
Black Girl: Dad!
Dave Chappelle: Sounds like somebody’s driving some truth. Let’s get your stuff. We’ve got to get pussy from the vet. Bye kids.
Kids: Bye!
Vanessa: [to other kids] Pussy is their cat.
Kids: We know.