Colin Jost
Opera man… Adam Sander
[Starts with Colin Jost in his news set]
Colin Jost: After a very long absence, here once again to look at people and places in the news, it’s Weekend Update’s Opera man.
[Music plays]
[Opera man joins]
[Opera man is waving a scarf]
Opera Man: [There’s a picture of Game of Thrones logo at left top corner]
Game of Thrones-Ah, almost finito
molto exciting, edge of my seat-o
we can’t wait for final show-ah
so we can cancel our HBO-ah
[Picture changes to a horse race]
Kentucky derby very fasto
one in first and one in lasto
winning horse is magnifioso
losing horse is delicioso
[Picture changes to James Harden]
Beard man. He cry-o
Draymond poke him in eye-o
He say beardie kicks [Picture changes to Kevin Durant]
Just wait ’til Durant comes to the Knicks! [Cheers and applaud]
[Picture changes to cover poster of the movie ‘Long Shot’]
Pretty lady, goofy man-ah
Opera man no understand-ah
silly face but still he score-ah
where have I seen this before-ah? [Picture changes to Adam Sandler movies with pretty ladies]
Come on man! Let’s go man!
[Picture changes to Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand]
Kamala, Gillibrand
[Picture changes to Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren]
Klobuchar, Warren
They have slim chance-o
they no wear pants-o
[Picture changes to Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg and Beto o’Rourke]
Cory, Pete and Beto
Will have to wait-o
Here we go again
[Picture changes to Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders]
Seventy year old men
[Picture changes to Joe Biden getting close to different women]
Gropa gropa, Sniffa sniffa
young or olda, make no diffa
Joe for this you, won’t go far-o
to win white house, you need to bang porn star-o [Picture changes to Stormy Daniels]
[Picture changes to William Barr]
Where did Barr go?
He did not show
Check every single Wendy’s!
[Picture changes to Donald Trump]
Trumpa, Dumpa, Trumpa, Dumpa
I make-a the wall
I playa the golf
and they take-a the fall
Trumpa, Dumpa, Trumpa, Dumpa
They afraid to impeach
I get to make-a the wall
And Putin make me his beetch
[Picture changes to Opera man from many years ago]
So very long since I’ve been around-ah
24 years and 24 pounds-ah
so glad to be back
now I get a snack
Opera man
[People start throwing roses]
[Colin and Michael join the Opera man]
Colin Jost: Opera man, everyone. Opera Man. For Weekend Update, I’m Colin Jost.
Michael Che: I’m Michael Che. Good night.