FOX Promos

FOX Promos

Island Man #1…..Jimmy Fallon
Island Man #2…..Jerry Minor
Island Man #3…..Charlie Sheen
Trailer Father…..Darrell Hammond
Trailer Mother…..Ana Gasteyer
Trailer Daughters…..Maya Rudolph, Rachel Dratch
Trailer Son…..Chris Kattan
Suspected Cannibals…..Horatio Sanz, Chris Parnell
Cannibal…..Will Ferrell

[ shows a lush tropical island ]

Announcer: Coming soon to FOX: Alone on a tropical island, Five lucky men, with ten available women. [ five guys on island are seen with ten women in bikinis, who service the men ]

Island Man #1: It’s a dream come true.

Announcer: Can they handle it? Ten beautiful women. And one of them has a venereal disease.

Island Man #1: This is gonna be awesome!

Announcer: Who will be the first to get it?

Island Man #3: [ confidently ] Believe me. I will get it.

Announcer: Welcome to “Herpes Island”, where venereal disease is the name of the game. “Herpes Island”. Catch it!

Also coming to FOX: [ shows family in trailer ] One family. Alone. In one trailer. For ten weeks.

Trailer Father: [ smoking a cigarette ] Ten weeks is a long time.

[ Trailer Mother is seen seducing son in bedroom ]

Announcer: Who will escape the incest in.. “Temptation Trailer”? [ the rest of family looks on, bored ] “Temptation Trailer”. Ten weeks is a long time.

On FOX, also: Keep an eye out for.. “The Cannibal”. [ some men are seen, locked in a cabin, as they look scared ] Eight men, locked in a cabin for one year with no food. Which one is.. “The Cannibal”?

[ Cannibal is seen chewing on some guy’s arm ]

Cannibal: [ sheepishly ] It’s me. [ continues chewing on arm ]

Announcer: [ embarrassed] Oh boy. That one’s got problems.

That’s three brand new shows to watch out for on FOX.

Thanks to Tony DuMontfor this transcript.

SNL Transcripts

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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