Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 22: Episode 6
96f: Robert Downey, Jr. / Fiona Apple
Delicious Dish
Margaret Jo McCullen…..Ana Gasteyer
Teri Rialto…..Molly Shannon
[Establishment shot, Radio Station NPR ]
[Introduction music]
Margaret Jo McCullen: Hello, I’m Margaret Jo McCullen.
Teri Rialto: And I’m Teri Rialto.
Margaret Jo McCullen: And you’re listening to
Both: The Delicious Dish.. on National Public Radio.
Margaret Jo McCullen: Now.. Teri today we’re going to be talking about some really exciting things in the world of food.
Teri Rialto: Sure Margaret Joe.. Now, some of you have written to let us know, that you’d like some off-beat and adventurous approaches to food.
Margaret Jo McCullen: So buckle up, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.
Teri Rialto: Sure is [laughs] gonna be bumpy Now.. Our first dish is really gonna make your tail spin, we’re talking of course about..
Both: Corn chowder.
Margaret Jo McCullen: Now, Teri, I’m a real fan of Corn chowder.
Teri Rialto: Me too ..
Margaret Jo McCullen: Who isn’t [laughs] and when I’m making this classic, I really like to stick to the basic.. that of course is: corn, cream, and spices those will really add some extra hump.
Teri Rialto: And speaking of hump, we’ve really taken some liberties with this classic
Margaret Jo McCullen: We sure have.
Teri Rialto: We have I sometimes like, a more exotic chowder so sometime I add carrots.. then potatoes.
Margaret Jo McCullen: Oooooh potatoes [laughs].
Teri Rialto: Those will give it some kick, and some color.. and it’s also fun for your guests to look at.
Margaret Jo McCullen: Neat.. fun.. fun..
Teri Rialto: Yeah.
Margaret Jo McCullen: Fun ..
Teri Rialto: That’s a lot of fun.
Margaret Jo McCullen: Yeah that’s really fun.
Teri Rialto: It’s a fun thing to do.. .
Margaret Jo McCullen: Yeah.
Teri Rialto: Good times.
Margaret Jo McCullen: Good times.
Teri Rialto: Good times.
Margaret Jo McCullen: Good times.
Teri Rialto: Yeah [laughs] Hey look we’ve got a call..
Margaret Jo McCullen: Delicious Dish, you’re on the air.
Caller #1: Hi! I just wanna say that I think your show is terrific you know I did making Corn Showder for years and I’ve never ever thought of putting carrots or potatoes in it.. where do you come up with these ideas?
Margaret Jo McCullen: Well, we both keep dream journal .[laughs]
Caller #1: Can I ask you a question? Are you ever gonna do a show on “SALT”?
Teri Rialto: Sure, we’ve actually got a two part that’s coming up in December
Margaret Jo McCullen: That will be great.
Caller #1: I’ll cancel my trip!
Margaret Jo McCullen: Good
Both: Thanks for calling! Thanks for calling!
Margaret Jo McCullen: That was fun getting a call.
Teri Rialto: He sounded [laughs] He sounded like a really nice person.
Margaret Jo McCullen: He sure did . he’s neat
Teri Rialto: yeah he sounded like a nice man.
Margaret Jo McCullen: He sounded like lot of fun
Teri Rialto: Yeah
Margaret Jo McCullen: Good time, fun
Teri Rialto: Yeah
Margaret Jo McCullen: Well, Our next dish, is really one of our unsung heroes of the breakfast table, he’s a familiar friend we really take for granted
Both: The English Muffin!
Margaret Jo McCullen: Now, Teri, I know you’ve done a little homework on the history of our old friend, and I’m dying to hear all about it
Teri Rialto: Well Margaret Joe, I did some research and I boy did I found out some startling facts
Margaret Jo McCullen: I bet
Teri Rialto: Did you know that the English Muffin was created by Sir Thomas Bassthak, and dates back to the year 1832 ?
Margaret Jo McCullen: Really I’ve could have sworn it was invented in the 1840s
Teri Rialto: No, a lot of people think that, but it was actually 1832
Margaret Jo McCullen: I’ll be darned.. I’ll be darned..
Teri Rialto: 1832
Margaret Jo McCullen: Fascinating interesting… interesting
Teri Rialto: A fun thing that I like to try, it’s to top English Muffin with a little Tomato Sauce, add some Cheese and make—
Margaret Jo McCullen: HOP I think I see what’s coming here .
Teri Rialto: That’s right a MINI pizza..
Margaret Jo McCullen: Or what I like to call it :” Pizza for One” Or you can also call it [laughs] Or you can also call it “a little small pizza” [laughs]
Teri Rialto: That was funny
Margaret Jo McCullen: Yeah.. that’s fun, it’s fun to name things.. [laughs] that’s a lot of fun
Teri Rialto: I like coming up with names for things ’cause it’s fun.
Margaret Jo McCullen: Yeah that sweet, that’s a fun.
Teri Rialto: It’s fun to do that.
Margaret Jo McCullen: That’s a fun thing to do..
Teri Rialto: Ho
Margaret Jo McCullen: Hey we got another call!
Teri Rialto: Ho great! Delicious Dish you’re on the air.
Caller #2: Oh Hi! I’m Marianne from Tarzana, and when you were talking about unsung heroes of the breakfast table, I was about on the edge of my seat, eh, ’cause I was sure you were gonna say crab crackers!
Margaret Jo McCullen: Hoooo.
Teri Rialto: That’s funny That was our first runner-up.. [laughs]
Caller #2: Well at our house, what we like to do is fresh’em up and eat them,.. hem with milk.. like cereals!
Margaret Jo McCullen: Hey you could have invented Golden Grahams! [laughs]
Teri Rialto: That was funny for you to say that.
Margaret Jo McCullen: Ho thanks!
Teri Rialto: That was funny
Margaret Jo McCullen: Thanks!
Caller #2: Well thanks so much I really love your show.
Margaret Jo McCullen: Sure.
Both: Thank you!
Margaret Jo McCullen: Neat!
Teri Rialto: She seemed like a like a fun.
Margaret Jo McCullen: Yeah she really did, she seemed like a fun fun person.
Teri Rialto: Yeah.
Margaret Jo McCullen: That was neat neat neat fun!
Teri Rialto: It was a lot of fun.
Margaret Jo McCullen: Yeah..
[Ending music starts]
Margaret Jo McCullen: Ho-ho Teri that’s all the time we have on our show today.
Teri Rialto: Okay be sure to tune in next week – we’ll meet a very special guest, Bob Phibowl who will be sharing some thrilling new secrets about..
Both: Yeast!
Margaret Jo McCullen: That was really fun for me I had a nice time!
[Fade out]
Submitted by: P-Y