Office Breakroom

Cecily Strong

Chris Redd

Jason… Will Farrell

Alex Moffat

Heidi Gardner

[starts with office colleagues getting lunch]

Cecily: Oh, I know. It’s impossible to find any vegan food in this town.

Chris: Ah! But who wants to be vegan in the south with all that delicious fried food?

Jason: Guys, time out. I have a story about the south and it’s foods. Um, gosh. How do I start this? Um, I’ll just dive right in. So, I’m taking a road trip and we stop at a Crate and Barrel. And I tell the waitress, “Hey, I’m on a diet. Is there anything in the menu you’d suggest?” And she’s like, “Sugar pie, you’re in Crate and Barrel. Even our menus have butter all over them.”

Alex: Um, Jason, I think you mean Cracker Barrel. Not Crate and Barrel.

Jason: What are you saying?

Heidi: Yeah. I was also confused. I think you meant Cracker Barrel, the kind of country restaurant.

Chris: Yeah. Not Crate and Barrel, the fine sort of upper middle range furniture place.

Jason: Oh, okay.

Cecily: Yeah. Like, if you walk into a Crate and Barrel and ask for a biscuit, they’ll be like, “We don’t have that but we have ottomans.”

[everybody laughing]

Jason: I said, okay! I made a mistake. I walked into a restaurant. It had crates and barrels for their decor. Some shovels here and there. Some little signs saying quint little things. But predominantly, barrels and crates. So maybe we can let it go.

Cecily: Yeah. Um, oh, anyway, I saw the new Jumanji. They go into a video game.

Alex: Yeah. I liked it when it was a board game.

Jason: I’m not from the south, okay? Or from a Crate and Barrel kind of place. So, forgive me for making an honest mistake about something that clearly means a lot to all of you. I’m still figuring everything out.

Heidi: Jason, let it go.

Jason: You know what? You’re awful. All of you are awful.

Chris: Okay. Calm down, man.

Jason: This office is so clicky.

Chris: We- we have moved on, Jason.

Jason: [to Chris] You brought a nasty, nasty prostitute to the holiday party.

Chris: Jason, that was my daughter.

Jason: Oh, okay. So now, you know what it feels like to make a mix up? Now, you can feel the deep shame I felt when I mixed up the two restaurants.

Chris: Okay. One is a restaurant and one is a furniture place. And I didn’t mix anything up. Okay?

Alex: Yeah. You really gotta drop this. You’re making a mountain out of a molehill.

Jason: Speaking of molehills, you don’t wear condoms.

Heidi: Jason, you don’t know that.

Jason: I’ve seen it.

Alex: You haven’t seen anything, man.

Jason: Okay. But now you know what I’m going through.

Heidi: Wait, what? No, you can’t compare mixing up Crate and Barrel with Crackle Barrel for him being sexually reckless.

Alex: What? Ay! It’s not reckless if everyone involved is cool with it, right?

Heidi: Um, okay. This is silly. Let’s just get back to work and forget.

Jason: I quit!

Cecily: This is your company. You’re our boss. You can’t quit.

Jason: Yes, I can. I’m quitting. And I’m taking all of my pens. All of them. And I’m leaving like an idiot. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Here I go. Dummy off to have a big southern meal at Cracker Barrel because I’m so stupid. I don’t even know that Cracker Barrel actually sells nicely designed furnishings for modern interiors.

Chris: Oh, Jason, you’re talking about Crate and Barrel.

Jason: Wait, what?

Cecily: You just– you did it again.

Jason: Really? Well, guess what. You’re never gonna find your birth parents.

Cecily: I’m not adopted. I know who my parents are.

Jason: Well, all I’ll say is that, you know, life has the sickest way of revealing to you that you’ve been wrong all along about something you were completely sure of. I won’t be back. Alright? P.S., not coming back. I’m off to find a new life without ridicule. Goodbye. And I’m taking this. [Jason carries the jar of drinking water. He’s spilling water all over the place.] I paid for the water. Geez. What a day? What a great day.

Alex: Man, what the hell is wrong with him?

[Jason is looking at them from behind]

Cecily: I don’ know. You know, I don’t even know why I’m married to him. But he’s my husband and I love him.

Next- For Men

Will Farrell

Kyle Mooney

Alex Moffat

[Starts with Will Farrell inside an elevator. A woman is walking from far.]

Woman: Hey, hey, hold the door.

[Will Farrell holds the door. His armpits are sweating a lot.]

Male voice: You’re a man. And men sweat. In all sorts of stressful situations.

[Cut to Will Farrell walking in office]

Will Farrell: Yeah, I’m a guy. The way I sweat, my regular deodorant just wasn’t cutting it anymore. I work hard, I play hard. And something’s coming out about me real soon. Because I’m [showing the product ‘Next’] Next.

Male voice: Introducing Next. The only antiperspirant for men who are feeling the heat. Because their time’s up.

Kyle: In my life of work, sweat comes with the job. And ever since those rumors came out about me, it got a lot worse. [Kyle walks to the Stand Up comedy stage] [on mic] Hey, how’s everybody doing tonight?

[Cut to the audience. Everyone is getting a notification. They look at it. There’s a news article with Kyle’s photo saying ‘Not so funny: 8 women accuse stand up of harassment.’]

Oh, boy. It’s happening. But not under here. [showing his armpit]

[Cut to Alex walking on the red carpet]

Alex: As an actor, I need an antiperspirant that’s gonna keep working with me. Because no one else will.

[Alex runs into an interviewer]

Interviewer: What do you say about these allegations?

Alex: Um, lots of women are brave but this one is a liar. And no comment. [Alex raises his hand to show his armpit] Wow, no sweat.

Male voice: For when the truth comes out about you, Next gives you clinical strength antiperspirant.

[Cut to Will Farrell walking in his office]

Will Farrell: And just a little bit of Klonopin, these next few weeks are gonna sting.

[Will Farrell walking into the elevator. He is carrying his stuffs from the office in a box. Looks like he’s fired.]

Kate: You’re disgusting.

Will Farrell: But my pits aren’t. I got fired.

Male voice: Next. Brought to you by– [notification alert sound] Oh boy, they got me.

George W. Bush Returns Cold Open

George W. Bush… Will Farrell

Constance L. Rice… Leslie Jones

[Starts with George W. Bush in White House.]

Male voice: And now, a message from the former president of the United States.

George W. Bush: Good evening. Thank you. It is I, George W. Bush. And you remember, the W stands for “Whats up?” I know what you’re thinking. What the heck is this handsome devil doing back in the Oval Office? Well, the truth is this is just a set. I had it built in my basement in Texas so I could pretend to still be president sometimes. You know, the way a cop might retire but he still fires his gun into the woods behind his house. These are my woods. And this is my gun. [George W. Bush pulls out a plastic water gun.] Yeah. I’ve been trying to drink more water and this makes it fun.

Now, I don’t know if you’ve read the news lately. I certainly have not. I’ve been too busy doing oil paintings. Actually, getting my MFA from the University of Phoenix online. And yeah, it’s paying off. Big time. I call this one, [George W. Bush pulls out a painting where a dog is kept in the hot air balloon] Doggie goes to space. Like I was saying, I don’t know if you’ve seen the news, but according to a new poll, my approval rating is at an all time high. That’s right. Donnie cute Trump came in and suddenly I’m looking pretty sweet by comparison. At this rate, I might even end up in Mt. Rushmore right next to Washington, Lincoln, and I wanna say Kenjington. I don’t know. But the point is I’m suddenly popular AF. And a lot of people are saying, “Man, I wish George W. Bush was still our president right about now.” So, I just wanted to address my fellow Americans tonight and remind you guys that I was really bad. Like, historically not good. So, I get why you don’t like this current guy. Heck, I voted for Jill Stein all the way. But please, do not look back at presidency and think, [singing] “This is how we do it.” Don’t forget we’re still in two different wars that I started.

Hey, what has two thumbs and created ISIS? [pointing at himself with his two thumbs] This guy. And hey, at least stock market’s doing well now. You ever seen a graph of the stock market during my presidency? It’s the only graph that comes with it’s own slide whistle sound effect. Take a look.

[George W. Bush shows a graph of Stock market during his presidency. The economic trend is shown falling vastly. The sound effect of falling down in cartoons play.]

Stock market’s at 26,000 right now. I had you guys down to a cook 8k. Now, I’m not economer, but even I know that was no boino. And you wanna compare VPs for a sec? I’ve heard some complaints about Mike Pence. But if you have to stuff all chain he was up to, you’d take no cakes for days in a heartbeat. Some say Mike Pence is heartless. But remember, Dick Cheney was literally heartless. At this point, it’s just legos in there. You know? And Donald Trump thinks the media hates him? One time in a rocky, a reporter threw an actual shoe at me. He took it office foot, lobbed straight at my noggin. Then he gathered himself, took off the other one and tried it again. But you know what they say. “Shoe me once, shoe’s on you. Shoe me twice, I’m keeping those shoes.”

[cheers and applause]

You know, I feel for Donny. I really do. I’m not a Trump synthesizer or anything, but we have a lot in common. We’re both exact same age even though I was president like, 40 years ago. We’ve both won the election despite losing the popular vote. Though, back in my days, we didn’t let Russians rig our elections. We used the supreme court like Americans. I guess the biggest difference between me and Trump is that I have friends. People actually like me. I mean, have you read this new book Fire And Furbies? Everyone in his own cabinet hates him. I still hang out with my cabinet all the time.

[Constance L. Rice walks in. She has a bag of popcorn in her hand]

Constance L. Rice: Mr. President?

George W. Bush: Oh, hey, Connie Rice? What are you doing here? [cheers and applause] What are you doing here, huh?

Constance L. Rice: I brought pop corn. I thought we could watch our favorite movie again.

George W. Bush: Oh, hell yes. Minions. Can you believe, it got snubbed with Oscars again?

Constance L. Rice: Did I interrupt something?

George W. Bush: No, no, no. I was just addressing my fellow Americans on Twitch and reminiscing about the good old days when we were in charge.

Constance L. Rice: Ah! Yes! Those were the days.

[music playing]

George W. Bush: [singing] Boy, the way the game was played

Constance L. Rice: Everybody knew their place

George W. Bush: Cheney shot a guy in the face

George W. Bush and Constance L. Rice: Those were the days.

Constance L. Rice: He housing market went to hell

George W. Bush: Nazi kept it to themselves

George W. Bush and Constance L. Rice: Bin Laden was alive and well
Those were the days.

And live from New York, it’s Saturday night.

Flight Attendants

Spencer… Chris Redd

Sabrina… Aidy Bryant

Gareth… Will Farrell

Luke Null

Leslie Jones

[Starts with the flight attendants speaking to the passengers]

Spencer: Welcome aboard flight 1250-C. Service from Lubbock, Texas to Charleston, South Carolina. My name is Spencer.

Sabrina: I’m Sabrina. And returning to the flight crew this week is Gareth.

Gareth: Hi, y’all. I’m Gareth.

Spencer: Gareth just got back from a month long sabbatical. So, let’s give him a hand.

[everyone is clapping]

Gareth: Oh, stop. You’re making me blush.

Sabrina: Now, typically, this is when you sit though some boring safety demonstration.

Spencer: Argh, snooze fast.

Sabrina: But we like to do things a little different around here.

Spencer: We sure do. Someone give us a beat.

[Cut to Luke in the passenger seat]

Luke: I mean, I used to beatbox in college. But I don’t know if I can still ever-ever– [Luke starts beatboxing]

[Cut to the flight attendants]

Spencer: Ooh! That’s nice.

[rapping] 1250-C is a real fun flight

We’ll be soaring through the sky like a big old kite

Sabrina: Your crew is Spencer, Sabrina and Gareth
your comfort and safety is what we cherish

Spencer: Fasten your seatbelt and pull them up tight
and don’t unbuckle if you see that light

Sabrina: Be sure to stay seated or you’ll bump your head

Gareth: And god’s not real, when you die, you’re dead

All: Oh, my god!

Spencer: Dammit, Gareth!

Sabrina: Why would you say that?

Spencer: Gareth!

Gareth: They deserve to know.

Spencer: We’re doing a safety rap, dude!

Sabrina: Yeah. Your line was “Exit rows are marked in red.”

Gareth: I’m just preparing them.

Sabrina: For what?

Gareth: The beyond.

Spencer: Um, look folks, we apologize. God is real and Gareth will stick to the rat we agreed on.

Gareth: We are alone in the cosmos and Gareth will rap as he pleases.

Sabrina: Spencer, just ignore him. [to Luke] Sir, would you please bring that beat back in? I thought that was pretty fire.

[Cut to Luke]

Luke: Thanks. But it’s just something I ever-ever– [starts beatboxing]

[Cut to the flight attendants]

Spencer: [rapping] If you happen to be seating in the exit row
there’s a couple of things we think you should know

Sabrina: Your closest exit might be to the back

Gareth: And afterlife is just a void of black.

Spencer: [yelling at Gareth] Stop doing that!

Gareth: I will not be silenced.

Sabrina: What’s happened to you, Gareth?

Gareth: I woke up, Sabrina. I woke the hell up.

Sabrina: Well, Spencer worked very hard on this rap. So cut it out!

[Cut to Leslie in the passenger seat]

Leslie: Um, yes, I have a question.

Spencer: Yes, ma’am. You are in fact seated in the exit row. yes.

Leslie: Oh, no. My question is for Gareth. So, when you die, you just gone forever?

[Cut to the flight attendants]

Gareth: Bingo!

Sabrina: Ma’am, why?

Gareth: And religion is a delusion that shields us from that im-permanance. If you’re interested, I can recommend several podcasts.

Spencer: Can we please just finish the rap, please? Thank you.

Sabrina: Yeah. I agree. Gareth, the freak show ends now. Okay. Sir, please bring that sweet ass beat back in one more time.

Gareth: It is a very sweet beat.

[Cut to Luke]

Luke: Really, it’s not that ever-ever– [starts beatboxing]

[Cut to the flight attendants]

Spencer: [rapping] Now, let’s discuss an important task
how to apply your oxygen mask

Sabrina: Look out below when they start to fall
you gotta move quick, there’s no time to stall

Spencer: Strap to the head, pull the tight ends tight

Gareth: Be sure to do your’s before helping your friends

Spencer: Now you all understanding

Sabrina: But you should be doing something in the water landing

Gareth: The cushion on your seat can be used as a float
you can slide down the ramp and into a boat
blood stains the water, and you start to scream
what benivolant god would allow such a thing?

Spencer: [yelling] There is an air Marshall in here at all?

Gareth: [rapping] When I say ‘death is’, you say ‘Final’

Death is

Leslie: Final!

Gareth: Death is…

Leslie: Final!

Spencer: Okay, that’s it. Give me that. [Spencer takes Gareth’s mic away]

[Air Marshall walks in]

Air Marshall: Air Marshall here. [holding Gareth tight] You’re gonna have to take a seat sir. Come on.

Gareth: Okay. Wow. Sic the thought police on me, Adolf. Real nice. Everyone here should read 1984. It’s irrelevant now as forever. You 3-F

Fighter Pilots

Wild Card… Mikey Day

Side Winder… Beck Bennett

Viper… Chris Redd

Clown Penis… Will Farrell

Cecily Strong

[Starts with a clip of four fighter planes flying somewhere over the South China sea]

[Cut to Wild Card flying a plane]

Wild Card: Morning, pilots. This is squad leader. We’re about twenty minutes out from the Korean Peninsula. Since we were all scrambled from different bases, go ahead and introduce yourself. I’m Wild Card.

[Cut to Side Winder flying a plane]

Side Winder: Side Winder.

[Cut to Viper flying a plane]

Viper: Viper.

[Cut to Clown Penis flying a plane]

Clown Penis: Clown Penis.

[Cut to Wild Card]

Wild Card: Pilot, you got a little static there. Um, mind repeating that call sign again?

[Cut to Clown Penis]

Clown Penis: Sure thing. Clown Penis. Clown like, the circus. Penis like, your penis. Lovely day to fly, huh, boys? Clown Penis, over and out.

[Cut to Cecliy in the ground control office listening to the conversation]

Cecliy: Squad, this is Honolulu ground control. Com’s signals are a little spotty. So, we just wanna clarify a couple of things. One, are you guys saying ‘Clown Penis’? And two, why? Over.

[Cut to Clown Penis]

Clown Penis: Hello, Honolulu. That is affirmative. You are hearing Clown Penis because I am Clown Penis. Over.

[Cut to Cecliy]

Cecliy: Copy. Is this some sort of pilot joke?

[Cut to Clown Penis]

Clown Penis: A joke? Ma’am, a pilot’s call sign is very serious. When an enemy sees me on his tail, I want him to feel the fail the same way that you’d feel if a clown showed you his penis. Confused, unsettled and most of all, very, very scared. Rest to sure it, if you see a clown penis, me or an actual clown’s penis, this just ate your day. So, Honolulu, how do you feel about saying Clown Penis now?

[Cut to Cecliy]

Cecliy: Still weird. Over and out.

[Cut to Wild Card]

Wild Card: I’ve heard worse call signs. Flew with a pilot in academy named ‘Mr. Pick Ass.’

[Cut to Viper]

Viper: You might want to change that to ‘Mr. Corny Ass.’

[Cut to Clown Penis]

Clown Penis: Hey, guys. Let’s watch our language over the calls please. We’re in the air force. Not the 7th grade. Clown Penis out.

[Cut to Wild Card]

Wild Card: Copy that. Okay. Let’s switch up to stealth formation. Confirm. New position. Over.

[Cut to Side Winder]

Side Winder: Right wing high.

[Cut to Viper]

Viper: Left wing low.

[Cut to Clown Penis. He is upside down.]

Clown Penis: Unintentional upside down I don’t know how I did this. But it’s happening.

[Cut to Wild Card]

Wild Card: Whoa! Clown Penis, you need some help correcting that invert. Over.

[Cut to Clown Penis]

Clown Penis: All good now. Just a little nine seconds of sheer abject terror. Won’t happen again, fellas. Sincerely, your pal, Clown Penis.

[Cut to Cecliy]

Cecliy: Okay, squad, we’re gonna run a pursuit drill here. Increase speed, decline to 50,000 ft. Over.

[Cut to Wild Card]

Wild Card: You heard her, boys. Engage afterburners.

[Cut to Viper]

Viper: Wo-hoo! This raft is a worth that price tag.

[Cut to Side Winder]

Side Winder: Side Winder to Wild Card. I don’t see Clown Penis information. Over.

[Cut to Wild Card]

Wild Card: Copy that. Clown Penis, what is your current position.

[Cut to Clown Penis. He’s now flying over the space.]

Clown Penis: Hard to tell. But looks like I’m where space starts. I have to bow out of this drill, boys. This may take a while to fix. Just saw a satellite. Yeah. And there go the arms. [Clown Penis starts floating inside his plane] Oh, I’m definitely in space, fellas. ON the bright side, can’t get worse than this.

[Cut to Wild Card]

Wild Card: Roger that, Clown Penis. Will alert ground at your situation.

[Cut to Clown Penis. He is hanging upside down again.]

Clown Penis: Never mind, guys. It got worse.

[The End]

Dinner Discussion

Will Farrell

Kate McKinnon

Tom… Beck Bennett

Aidy Bryant

Heidi Gardner

Kenan Thompson

[Starts with few friends having dinner]

Will: No, I’m telling you. This dog eats anything.

Kate: He ate steel wool.

Will: And then he pooped silver for three days.


Tom: That’s insane.

Kate: It’s our life.


Aidy: You know, what’s insane are these roasted carrots. They are so good.

Will: Oh, everything here is good. The New York Times restaurant review raved about this place.

Heidi: You know, speaking of The Times, did any of you guys read that up-ed piece about–

Tom: Honey, no.

Aidy: What? What article are you talking about?

Heidi: The one about Aziz Ansari?

[The lights shut off. Everybody looks scared.]

I’m sorry. We can talk about something else. I was just curious what everyone thought. But–

Will: No. No. Of course. We can, uh– We can talk about it.

Kate: Yeah.

Will: Yeah. I mean, I think we should.

Kenan: We absolutely should.

Kate: Well, it’s come to this. I’ll go first.

Will: [holding Kate’s hand] Are you sure you wanna do this?

Kate: Yes. Yes. I will speak on the topic of [soft voice] Aziz Ansari. I think…

Will: Careful.

Kate: Yes. I- I think that some women…

Aidy: Careful.

Kate: Um, rather, um, some men have a proclivity…

Kenan: Careful.

Kate: Help me.

Kenan: Okay. Sure. Um, well, while I applaud the movement…

Heidi: Watch it.

Kenan: Noted. It’s just that I wonder if maybe we’re setting it back?

Kate: Argh! Careful.

Aidy: Okay. Ah- ah- I feel that powerful men almost always abuse– nope!

Tom: Okay. Um, look. The thing that I keep going back to is it seems like if she wanted to leave…

Will: Oh, no.

Tom: She could have just…

Will: Oh, no.

Tom: Left.

[The lights turn off again. Will puts his face on his food. Kenan stabs his hand with knife. Aidy cops her hair off. Kate covers her face with curtains. Heidi does black magic and disappears.]

Aidy: Everyone, stop. We can talk about this. We are adults.

Will: Can’t we just go back to the dog? We were happy when we were talking about the dog.

Kate: Honey, the time for talking about the dog is over. We are in a post universe now and we have to finish what we started. Tom, go.

Tom: Fine. Okay, fine. The #metoo movement– pass.

Will: Okay. Consent. Pass. Dammit!

Kate: Okay. Um, if I were with a woman and she seemed at all uneasy, I would just slow my roles– [takes a bread] are good!

Kenan: Okay. What I think we’re forgetting —

Will: Oh, no.

Kenan: Is the way that this intersects with the issue of–

Will: Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, god.

Kenan: Race. [covers his mouth]

All: Nooo!

[different video clips showing the destruction plays]

Will: I can’t do this anymore. We have to talk about something else.

All: Yes. Thank you.

Kenan: Yes. Something less controversial.

Kate: Okay. Shape of Water had problems, right?

[They all get confused again]

Tom: Hey, where’s my wife?

Commercial Shoot

Director… Alex Moffat

Donna… Kate McKinnon

Dan… Will Farrell

[Starts with an old couple getting ready to shoot a coomercial]

Director: Alright. You two ready to make a commercial?

Donna: Well, we’re not actors. We will do our best.

Dan: I eat this chicken pot pie fives times a week. On the weekends, I eat beef.

Director: Well, that’s great. Um, we wanted to show real Dickenson’s customers showing real enthusiasm for good home cooking. You guys feel ready for a take?

Donna: Well, Dan has all the lines. Dan, are you ready?

Dan: Um, give me the line one more time.

Director: Sure. The line is, “Baked in a crispy pastry crust.” Okay? One more time. It’s, “Baked in a crispy pastry crust.” And action.

[Director walks out]

Dan: Baked in a crusty pasty crisp. Uh! Crips. [another take] Baked in a cruppety flasty puff. [another take] Baked in a crispy pastry flam.

Donna: Curst, Dan!

Director: Okay. Cut.

Dan: Did I do it?

Donna: God! No, Dan.

Dan: What did I say?

[Director walks in]

Donna: The wrong thing, Dan.

Director: Okay. No worries there. I know it’s a bit of a tongue twister.

Dan: Say it again.

Director: Sure. It’s, “Baked in a crispy pastry crust.”

Dan: Baked in a– okay. Got it.

Donna: You wanna say the whole thing?

Dan: Crispy pastry crust. Got it.

Director: Great. Kells, we’ll just do a couple in a row. And action.

[Director walks out]

Dan: Baked in a flaky baken bread.

Donna: Pastry, Dan.

[another take]

Dan: Baked in a christy crusty turd.

Donna: Dan! Crispy!

[another take]

Dan: Baked in bust in my buttery body bust. [another take] Baked on my crabby butt. [another cut] Baked in my bra and ass.

Donna: Oh my god! Baked in a crispy pastry crust.

Dan: I got it!

Donna: Say it with me. Crispy.

Dan: Crispy.

Donna: Pastry.

Dan: Pastry.

Donna: Crust.

Dan: Crust.

Director: Action.

Dan: Nobody beats the wiz.

Donna: Crispy, Dan! Oh, my god! How hard could it be? I should say the line.

Dan: Okay.

Donna: Baked in a crispy pastry crust.

Director: Okay, Donna, you go for a take. And action.

Donna: Baked in a cruspy cranty crage.

Dan: Donna?

[another take]

Donna: Baked in a Dan–

Dan: Ah!

[another take]

Donna: Baked in a finga-ringa-ringa.

Dan: Ha-ha-ha-ha.

Donna: Oh, my god. Baked in a freaky licky underplay.

Director: Cut. Okay.

[Director walks in]

Donna: Why can’t we say the line?

Dan: We raised five boys and some girls. Why can’t we say the line?

Donna: Okay. How about we do an easier line? Try yummy pot pie.

Dan: Oh, we can do that, right Donna? Yummy pot pie.

Director: Great. And action.

[Director walks out]

Dan: Baked in a kissy cat puss.

Donna: Bakey bussy buss.

Director: Yummy pot pie.

Dan: Right. Right. Right. Yummy sure.

Donna: Pee in a pie. What was it?

Dan: Yummy pot pie. Yummy pot pie.

Donna: Yummy pot pie. Yummy pot pie.

Dan: I love you.

Donna: I love you.

Donna and Dan: Yatsy ISIS queev. Oh!

Director: Okay. Cut. [Director walks in] Um, you know what? I think we got it.

[Director walks out]

[Cut to the commercial. Donna and Dan are sitting in the restarutant.]

Male voice: Dickenson’s Roadside Diner.

Donna and Dan: Baked in a Dan.

[The End]

Chucky Lee Byrd

Glen…Beck Bennett

Johanne… Kate McKinnon

Chucky… Will Farrell

[Starts with a message video]

Male voice: The following is a paid advertisement.

[Cut to Glen and Johanne in their set]

Glen: Who can forget the 1950s?

Johanne: Soda shops. Hula-hoops. Drive in movies.

Glen: Jim Crow. Drag racing. And of course the birth of rock n’ roll music. Right Johanne?

Johanne: That’s right, Glen. And if you’re gonna talk about rock n’ roll, you gotta talk about the incomparable Chucky Lee Byrd.

Glen: That’s right. We are proud to bring you for the first time anywhere, this five discs box set from the poet of teen love himself. Chucky Lee Byrd.

Johanne: Now, you can relive that glorious time in music with this rare compilation.

Glen: We promise, you can’t find these jams anywhere else.

Johanne: It’s like, “Beauty Queen.”

[Cut to the old black and white music video]

[music playing]

Chucky: [singing] She’s my little beauty queen
And she’s only
but she’s my beautiful
beautiful beauty queen

Glen: And the “Candy Baby.”

Chucky: She’s my candy baby,
she’s my candy baby,

and she’s sugar sweet and clean
what should I get her for her sweet 16

[Cut to Glen and Johanne]

Johanne: Huh?

Glen: You said it, Johanne. This collection will bring you back to a simpler time in music. A time of innocence, purity.

Johanne: Right. Timeless classics like, “Farmer Girl.”

[Cut to the old black and white music video]

[music playing]

Chucky: [singing] She grows corn, she grows bean
my daddy hates me coz she’s only 14
14, 14, 14, that’s her age
she’s 14

[Cut to Glen and Johanne]

Glen: And who could forget about Chucky’s classic ode to muscle car.

Johanne: Okay, cars. Thank god.

Glen: “My new T-Bird.”

[Cut to the old black and white music video]

[music playing]

Chucky: [singing] She purrs so fine, she’s fresh off the line
I wanna make her mine, and this song’s about a girl who’s 13, 13
Okay, she’s

[Cut to Glen and Johanne]

Johanne: Okay. That’s insane.

Glen: You bet it’s insane. Never before have all these hits been compiled and rereleased on one collection until now.

Johanne: No, Glen. I mean the songs. The songs are insane. They’re all about loving teenage girls.

Glen: Well, they don’t call him ‘the poet of teen love’ for nothing, Johanne.

Johanne: Okay. But doesn’t he seem pretty old?

Glen: He is old, Johanne. It’s vintage footage. And folks, if you call right now, we will give you a special bonus disc with some of Chucky’s classic B sides like,  [Cut to old black and white music video with a list of songs.] “Cruising in my windowless van.”

Johanne: “Girl Scout Cookie.”

Glen: “I Left My Heart Across State Lines.”

Johanne: “Simple Girl From Across The Street.”

Glen: “Our Love Is A Crime.” Oh, I see what you’re saying now.

Johanne: “First Day Of School… Ever!”

Glen: “Baby You Can Drive My Car If I’m In The Passenger Seat Because You Only Have A Permit.”

Johanne: “One And One Equals Eleven.” Jesus! Cut back to us now, please. Hah! So, obviously this guy is a pervert and we have to stop the commercial.

Glen: Well, I can’t just bail on him, Johanne. He’s still my grandpa.

Johanne: This is your grandfather? Have you not listened to the songs?

Glen: I mean I just thought it was a different time back then. It was the 80’s.

Johanne: He made these songs in the 1980s? Who makes 50’s rock n’ roll in the 1980s?

Glen: Uh, Billy Joel. Ever heard of him?

Johanne: Yeah. But Billy Joel didn’t make paedophile anthem.

Glen: [yelling] But he’s my grandpa, Johanne.

Female voice: Order Chucky Lee Byrd’s poet of teen love compilation box set today.

Chucky: Call now!